Thank you for considering joining the Patrons of Czech Founders 

We invite you to join the initial founders of the Patrons of Czech Founders and support us in making a considerable impact in the ecosystem.
Check out our Impact Report

What is the Patrons of Czech Founders?

The Patrons is a group of experienced startup founders who officially pledged to join the organization to support our mission and utilize our platform to give back to the community. Their collective expertise and guidance make Czech Founders a credible founder-led organization, ensuring we continue to move in the right direction. We have selected an exclusive group of individuals, all successful founders or key operatives in the Czech startup ecosystem, who have suppported the growth of our organization or of the ecosystem in general.

Patrons join Vit Horky to become the Advisory Board members of Czech Founders z.ú., a non-profit organization, registered under Czech law. Optionally, some Patrons may take additional formal roles in the organisation, more about that later.

What we expect

We ask the Patrons to support the organization’s mission with time and money.
The Patrons play a critical role in electing the members of the Board of Directors ("Správní rada") and of the Supervisory Board (“Dozorčí rada”) for a 3-year term. Beyond this, we also expect members to participate in our initiatives, shape the strategy of the organisation and contribute financially to our cause.
The greater the support and engagement we receive from our members, the bigger impact we can create together. We understand that our members have varying capacities to contribute and that active scale-up founders, in particular, have extremely limited bandwidth to spare. Therefore, we keep our expectations reasonable and strive to make the most of every contribution, no matter how big or small.

As a guideline, we expect all Patrons to make a minimum contribution of:

  • min. 10- 15 hour / year dedication for Community management and Shaping the organization
  • Financial Donation - min. 50 000 CZK (€2,000) / year with a 3-year outlook. Our current patrons give on average 75 000 CZK (€3,000).

Explore your options for contributing as a Patron:

What is in it for you?

We know that you are here to help other founders succeed. But we also want to make sure that your time and effort are worth it and that you get something valuable out of it too.

As a Patron of Czech Founders, you might gain value from:

Exclusive gatherings with fellow scale-up and post-exit founders

We will do our best to design activities that are valuable (and fun) for you too. You will be able to meet with old and new friends in the community of post-exit and active-scale-up founders

Access to the best deal flow of early-stage startups (for angels)

Through the engagement activities, you will access the best possible deal flow to the most promising early-stage teams. You can also join a Slack channel dedicated to sharing the deal flow of startups who opt-in for this.

PR exposure/employer branding/recruitment benefits

Perhaps you do not need our help with this, but we believe that this engagement might be able to help you indirectly with finding and attracting talent and gaining employer brand exposure

Expand your international network

Additionally, you get access to all of our regular events and selected other initiatives free of charge.

The process of joining

First contact

Please confirm your willingness to join by sending a response to Barbora at, including an amount of financial donation you are willing to commit annually.


Join our Whatsapp group and say hi 👋 - you will get an invite and a short onboarding email after indicating your interest.


Sign the paperwork and wire the donation.

Stay Tuned

Stay tuned for the next Czech Founders “Správní rada” voting (aiming for October 2024)

Sign Up

Sign up for the annual Patrons retreat - We really hope you can attend in Q3 2024.

Recommend a fellow member

If you know of a valuable founder in your network that would make an outstanding contribution to our board, do not hesitate to reach out to

Our Patrons

Lucie Brešová


Zdeněk Cendra

CDN 77

David Čaněk


Martin Hájek


Vít Horký

Czech Founders

Tomáš Krátký


Adam Kurzok


Karel Obluk


Štefan Šurina


Ondřej Fryc

Reflex Capital

Jaroslav Ton


Andrej Kiska


Become a patron