Terms and Conditions

1. Introductory Provisions

  1. Hello! We are glad to see your interest in our services. Please read carefully our terms and conditions, which we created, the registered institute Czech Founders z.ú., IČ: 09761187, with its registered office at Libocká 686/47c, Liboc, 161 00 Prague 6, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague under the Commercial Register No. U 927 (hereinafter referred to as "Provider" or "we"), and which are governed by the provisions of § 1751 et seq. of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as "Civil Code"), (hereinafter referred to as "Terms and Conditions").
  2. These Terms and Conditions govern our mutual rights and obligations that arise between us and you as our Customer ("Customer" or "you") if you decide to purchase a service from us.
  3. If you act as an individual outside the scope of your business, you are a consumer, and the Civil Code also provides you with special protection, which you will read about below.
  4. If you decide to enter into a contract with us, the provisions of the Terms and Conditions will form an integral part of that contract. However, it is also possible to agree with us individually, in which case our agreement will take precedence over the Terms and Conditions.
  5. Should you need to contact us at any time, we have attached our contact details below, where we will be happy to answer you: Contact address: Panská 854/14, 110 00 Prague 1, 5th floor (HubHub), contact e-mail: lucie@czechfounders.org

2. General rules for purchasing services

  1. Our website, which is available here, contains all information about our services, such as their description or price. The prices we quote always include VAT and all charges.
  2. The website presents our services only for information purposes, and we are not obliged to enter into any contract with you.
  3. You are responsible for any costs you incur when communicating with us (e.g., services such as internet connection or telephone calls).
  4. You can place an order via our online order form. Each event or initiative has its form and is published on our website.
  5. As a condition for the validity of the order, you must fill in all mandatory data and confirm that you have read these Terms and Conditions and have also agreed to our data processing policy.
  6. Upon receipt of your order, we will ensure that our capacity will allow us to provide you with the service and that you meet all the requirements for the service. If so, we will send you an order confirmation, concluding the contract between us as the Provider and you as our Customer.
  7. The order acknowledgment will include these Terms and Conditions and more detailed payment instructions.
  8. The payment will be made via a payment gateway. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that for the purpose of operating and using online payments, we, as Provider, are working in particular with Shopify Inc., a Canadian company with a registered office at 151 O'Connor Street, Ground floor, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 2L8 ("Shopify"), which operates the payment gateway "Shop Pay.” The Customer expressly agrees to be connected to Shopify's payment gateway through the Provider and, as a result, enters into a contractual relationship with Shopify. The Customer acknowledges that Shopify may provide the Provider with a commission or other similar consideration in connection with connecting to Shopify's payment gateway in exchange for the Provider's referral. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that all fees associated with facilitating payments through Shopify's payment gateway will be paid directly by the Customer to Shopify. Customer further acknowledges and agrees that Provider shall be entitled to invoice Customer for fees in accordance with this Section if expressly permitted by Shopify.
  9. If payment is not made within 14 days of receipt of the order confirmation, we reserve the right to cancel the Agreement.
  10. All Contracts you enter into with us are in your name and cannot be assigned to anyone else without our consent, including the rights and obligations under them.

3. Special rules for the purchase of services

One-off promotions

  1. Our one-off events are generally one-day events, which include but are not limited to our (i) Founders Unplugged, (ii) Founders Festival, or (iii) Beach Cup.
  2. You must enter into a one-off event participation agreement with us to participate in one-off events. We provide one-off events at a cost, as per the information on our website.
  3. If you are unable to attend one of the one-off events after paying for it, you can, of course, cancel the contract. In particular, you can withdraw by informing us of this fact via our contact email.
  4. Please let us know as soon as possible about your decision to withdraw. If you cancel within 30 (thirty) days (inclusive) before the event, we will refund 100% of the amount paid. If you withdraw within 15 (fifteen) days (inclusive) before the event, we will refund 50% of the amount paid.
  5. However, should you cancel less than 15 (fifteen) days before the event, you will lose the right to a refund.
  6. We will refund the price of the single event ticket, less any cancellation fee, as per clause 4 above, to the bank account you have designated or communicated to us within 14 (fourteen) days of your cancellation of the single event contract.
  7. The date or venue of the event may change. We will promptly notify you of such exceptional changes to the email address you provided. Should the new date or venue not suit you, we will refund 100% of the amount paid.

4. Defects and claims

  1. If you are a consumer, the rights and obligations of the contracting parties regarding rights arising from defective performance are governed by the relevant generally binding regulations (in particular, the provisions of Sections 1914 to 1925 of the Civil Code).
  2. If you feel that we have provided you with a service of less than the declared quality, you can complain by e-mail or writing to our contact address.
  3. In addition to your contact details and bank details, please state in your complaint what service you are complaining about, why, and how you would like us to deal with your complaint.
  4. In your complaint, you can ask for a reasonable discount on the price, ask for the defect to be rectified or for other non-monetary compensation, or withdraw from the contract, but only if we can't remedy the defect in a non-monetary way.
  5. We will first investigate your complaint and then send you a report on its settlement to the e-mail address from which you contacted us or the address you provided in your letter.
  6. In the event that your complaint is resolved positively, you will also be entitled to reimbursement of the costs incurred in connection with the claim. However, please note that this entitlement expires 1 (one) month after the date on which the period within which the defect should have been raised expired.

5. Withdrawal from the contract

  1. If you are a consumer, you have the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 (fourteen) days of entering into the contract with us. To withdraw from the contract, please use our contact email address.
  2. You can use the following form to withdraw from the contract:Address: _____________; I hereby give notice that I withdraw from the agreement for the provision of the following services: _____________; Date received: _____________; Consumer's name: _____________; Consumer's address: _____________; Date: _____________; Consumer's signature: _____________.
  3. According to the previous paragraph, withdrawal is impossible for leisure services provided on a specific date (such as Founders Unplugged, Founders Festival, or Beach Cup).

6. License and Copyright

  1. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Provider shall remain the exclusive owner of all rights relating to the website, content, photos, graphics, logos and/or other elements (hereinafter referred to as "Intellectual Property") and that the Intellectual Property is protected by Act No. 121/2000 Coll., on Copyright, on Rights Related to Copyright and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as "Copyright Act"), and other related regulations.
  2. No provision of these Terms and Conditions or any other document shall be construed as granting, assigning, or transferring any intellectual property rights in the Intellectual Property and any parts thereof, know-how, trade secrets, documents, technologies, patents, or expertise owned by the Provider.
  3. When using Intellectual Property, the Customer is always obliged to act in such a way as not to infringe any rights of the Provider and to act in accordance with the legal order of the Czech Republic, in particular with the legal norms relating to copyright. The Provider may restrict or completely prevent the Customer's use of the Intellectual Property if the Customer has violated the terms and conditions of its use under these Terms and Conditions.
  4. In the event of unauthorized use of any part of the Intellectual Property without the Provider's consent, the Provider is entitled to use all means to protect its rights and legitimate interests in accordance with the Copyright Act, i.e., in particular the right to demand refraining from interference with copyright and removal of interference, the right to compensation for damages and the release of unjust enrichment.

7. Final provisions

  1. We will not charge you any additional costs concerning the delivery of our services.
  2. Any information you provide to us about yourself is confidential. We will treat it with respect for your privacy and in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) ("GDPR"). For more information on how we process your personal data, please read our data processing policy, available here.
  3. We reserve the right to take promotional photographs or videos during the events we organize and subsequently publish them. If you do not agree to this, please let us know on the spot.
  4. The Provider is entitled to unilaterally change and amend the wording of these terms and conditions. The Provider will always notify the Customer via email of changes to the Terms and Conditions at least ten (10) days before the effective date of the changes. If the Customer does not agree with the change, they have the right to notify the Provider in writing that they do not agree with the new wording of the Terms and Conditions; in such case, they are not entitled to continue using the Provider's services. Suppose the Customer does not notify their disagreement with the new wording of the Terms and Conditions by the effective date of the change in any of the aforementioned ways. In that case, they agree with the change and undertake to comply with the new wording of the Terms and Conditions. After the latest version of the Terms and Conditions becomes effective, the original Terms and Conditions shall cease to be valid.
  5. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Czech Republic, and any disputes arising therefrom shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Czech Republic's courts.
  6. As a consumer, you may also settle any disputes with us out of court with the Czech Trade Inspection Authority, with registered office at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, ID No.: 000 20 869, internet address: [https://adr.coi.cz/cs.](https://adr.coi.cz/cs) In addition, you can use the online dispute resolution platform at [http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.](http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr)

In the version valid and effective from 26 April 2023
